What we did
We have provided meeting management and policy support services to New Zealand’s National Maternity Monitoring Group (NMMG) since 2014.
How we did it
The NMMG provides strategic advice to New Zealand’s Ministry of Health on priorities for national improvement to the maternity system and the implementation of the New Zealand Maternity Standards. Our core deliverables include development and monitoring of an annual work plan, organisation of NMMG quarterly meetings, support and management of meetings (including the development of agendas, meeting papers and minutes, and supporting the Chair to manage the work plan and meetings), development of quarterly reports for the Director-General of Health, preparation of policy papers, and the development of an annual report setting out accomplishments for the year and future directions for quality improvements within the sector.
Benefits for the client
The NMMG’s Annual Report has been published on their website; https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/nmmg-report-2018-revised-final.pdf.
Suite 1103, 276 Flinders St
Melbourne, 3000
Phone: +61 447 734 185
Email: [email protected]
Level 2, The Woolstore
262 Thorndon Quay
Pipitea, Wellington
Phone: +64 4 890 7300
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.allenandclarke.co.nz