What we did
In March 2018 we were engaged by the New Zealand Heart Foundation to support a refresh of their strategic plan, including developing an accompanying measurement framework. Through a collaborative process with the Leadership Team, national staff, beneficiaries and Board, we helped the Heart Foundation review its vision, mission, values, enablers, goals and objectives and align them to its strategic direction.
The New Zealand Heart Foundation simplified and re-energised their vision and purpose. The seven objectives were consolidated into three goals that followed a ‘life-course’ approach. The three goals are enabling heart healthy choices, providing support for those impacted by heart disease, and funding and training heart research in New Zealand.
How we did it
We supported the Leadership Team with the following:
Benefits for the client
Our collaborative process ensured that the New Zealand Heart Foundation Leadership Team had ownership over their refreshed strategic plan, which provides a motivating and exciting direction for the Foundation, its staff, and stakeholders.
By facilitating workshops with executive, operational staff and consumers, we were able to ensure that the refreshed strategic plan was inclusive and represented all voices. We also provided additional graphic design support for the strategic plan refresh.
The New Zealand Heart Foundation’s 2018-2021 Strategic Plan has been published on their website; https://www.heartfoundation.org.nz/documents/marketing/about-us/heartfoundation-nz-strategic-plan-18-21.pdf?1596605958.
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Pipitea, Wellington
Phone: +64 4 890 7300
Email: [email protected]
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