What we did
The Samoa Education Sector Support Program (ESSP) was a three-year activity between the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (NZ MFAT) designed to specifically support and finance implementation of elements of the Education Sector Plan 2013-2018. The program aims to increase the numbers of children participating in Early Childhood Education and in school, and to ultimately increase the employment rate of graduates of post-secondary education and training.
How we did it
The evaluation examined the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the ESSP on the broader Samoan education sector, and cross-cutting issues such as gender and inclusive education. Though in-country engagement, the evaluation was undertaken to inform further commitments by Australia and New Zealand to the program.
Benefits for the client
We delivered an evaluation report that provided actionable recommendations for DFAT and NZ MFAT for future funding and implementation of education. This report also supported government agencies in Samoa. The report was well received and has been published on the NZ MFAT website; https://www.mfat.govt.nz/assets/Aid-Prog-docs/Evaluations/2019/Evaluation-Report-Samoa-ESSP/Final-Evaluation-Report-Samoa-ESSP-2019.pdf.
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Pipitea, Wellington
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